The Heat Is On Sometimes a girl needs a good schvitz, and when that girl is Karina, we want in on the action! Bad! Now most girls would kick your butt the hell out when she’s sweating nude in a Swedish-style sauna but not Karina. We’re along for the af…
Ready, aim, fire!
Ready, aim, fire! Karina is dressed for battle, or maybe some guerrilla warfare. Could your cock survive a confrontation with a pair of H-cup naturals? Karina’s camouflage isn’t going to do much good when she has those huge missiles protruding from her…
Laundry day
Laundry day Ah, Karina! She can make an ordinarily mundane task, like doing the laundry, exciting. Riddle: How many H-cup bras can Karina stuff into the washing machine at one time? Probably two or three, at most. “I don’t wash my bras in the washing m…
The wet T-shirt
The wet T-shirt The clothing vs. naked debate will rage among big-tit lovers forever. On one side, you have the guys who love seeing how a pair of big tits looks in a tight top. Yeah, they wanna see the girls naked, but first they want to see them as t…